News Archive
(10/01/2024) I am starting a new position at Stony Brook University
(04/27/2024) A postdoc position is available in renal MRI – please reach out to me
(04/24/2024) Recieved NoA for the resubmitted NIDDK R21 grant application!
(01/10/2024) First time serving as an NIH grant reviewer in the upcoming CTIS study section meeting!
(08/09/2023) Recieved NoA for the resubmitted NIBIB Trailblazer grant application!
(07/16/2023) R21 (NIDDK) grant application was submitted (A1)
(07/06/2023) Dr. MungSoo Kang's work was accepted for publication in MRM | Early View
(11/16/2022) R21 Trailblazer (NIH/NIBIB) grant application was submitted (A1)
(10/31/2022) Manuscript was rejected from MRM (submitted on 08/12/2022)
(10/17/2022) R21 (NIH/NIDDK) grant application was submitted (new submission)
(03/29/2022) Jaesin Ahn and Seongho Jeong are joining our team
(03/29/2022) Dr. MungSoo Kang has two ISMRM 2022 abstracts accepted
(02/16/2022) R21 Trailblazer (NIH/NIBIB) grant application was submitted (new submission)
(08/01/2021) Dr. MungSoo Kang is joining our team!
(03/01/2021) One postdoc position is available in quantitative body MRI - position filled
(01/12/2021) Check out our latest paper on free-breathing liver R2* mapping!
(11/01/2020) Our recent manuscript, Free-Breathing R2* Mapping of Hepatic Iron Overload in Children Using 3D Multi-Echo UTE Cones MRI, was accepted for publication in MRM
(09/01/2020) I joined Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center as Assistant Member (Medical Physics)
(05/08/2020) I accepted a faculty position at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. I will be joining the Department of Medical Physics as Assistant Member in fall 2020