Quantitative Body MRI

Our research is focused on the development of novel body MRI methods, including novel pulse sequence design, advanced image reconstruction algorithms, and quantitative imaging biomarkers.

Current Members

  • Youngwook Kee (PI)

  • MungSoo Kang (Postdoc)

  • Or Alus (Postdoc)


  • Gerald Behr, Pediatric Radiology

  • Seth Katz, Radiology

  • Ilya Glezerman, Nephrology

  • Maya Gambarin, Hepatology

  • Ricardo Otazo, Medical Physics

Former Members

  • Jaesin Ahn (03/2022 - 02/2023, Visiting PhD student)

  • Seongho Jeong (03/2022 - 02/2023, Visiting PhD student)

Grants Support

  • NIH/NIDDK Catalytic Tool & Technology Dev | R21DK137146 (Kee: PD/PI) | 04/24/2023 – 03/31/2026

  • NIH/NIBIB Trailblazer | R21EB033985 (Kee: PD/PI) | 08/15/2023 – 07/31/2026